
Scent – marketing



Scent any industry

The benefits can be seen in almost every industry, explore for yourself.



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Proč je důležité okolí provonět ?

Výsledkem jsou šťastní a spokojení zákazníci, kteří si zapamatují vaši značku. Značku, která voní.


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Scent Marketing

Linking a brand with a scent

Scent branding is more than just diffusing a pleasant fragrance in a space. It is the art of taking a company’s brand identity, marketing messages, target audience and matching these with a fragrance that amplifies these branding aspects.

This can become highly effective in environments where other sensory triggers, such as the use of lighting, sound and luxurious surroundings combine as brands can establish a longer-lasting emotional connection with consumers.

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Instant results

Happier customers, that linger longer

 The results are in, happier customers that remember your brand and linger longer. The right scent can subtly prompt consumers to spend more time in retail environments or can be an effective means of drawing people into your store.

Diffusing an exclusive fragrance at your premises can amplify your brand identity, create the perfect ambiance for your clients, employees and guests, and differentiate
your business from your competitors.

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The science

 More than just marketing appeal

Smell is more sophisticated than any other sense as scent receptors in the nose connect directly to the section of the brain responsible for memory and emotion.So powerful, in fact, the nose is believed to affect 75% of our daily emotions. It is the close connection of the olfactory gland, which registers smell, and the limbic system, that governs emotion and memories, that is said to be responsible for the power behind the sense of smell.

Fragrances can have a beneficial effect on irritation, stress, depression, apathy, and can further enhance the positive factors like happiness, sensuality, relaxation, and stimulation.

 Stephen Warrenburg (IFF) Gary E. Schwartz (Yale University)

The diffusion of lavender during breaks at work has been found to prevent the deterioration of work performance.

Sakamoto, et al, 2006 Oxford Journals | Life Sciences & Medicine | Chemical Senses

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